Sexual Revolution
After the meeting
Therefore, what?
Step 1:
Talk to your children
What does the word “integrity” mean?
"Using" Someone
What does it mean to “use” someone?
What is self-control and how do you develop it?
Setting Boundaries
Why is it important to set boundaries? How/when do you set boundaries?
Step 2:
Talk to family members and friends
Sexual Revolution: Good or Bad?
Do you think the “sexual revolution” been a good thing or bad thing for society? Explain your answer.
Impact on Women, Marriage, and Children
Has the sexual revolution been a positive thing for women? Has the sexual revolution been a good thing, overall, for marriage? How about children?
Sexual Integrity
Have you ever heard the term “sexual integrity?” Any ideas what it might be referring to?
Contribution of Sexual Integrity
Do you think a loss of sexual integrity has contributed toward many of the problems we see in society today? (Consider divorce, cohabitation, abortions, etc). If so, how? If not, why not?
Role of Shame in Society
Is there ever a place for “shame” in a society? How does a society use “shame?” What criteria are used, today, to determine shameful behavior? What role does, or should, social pressure play in a society?
Step 3:
Engage the Broader Community
Be Aware of Curriculum
Watch out for and guard against textbooks and all curricula which attempts to normalize pre-marital sexual relations. Demand an emphasis and focus on the teaching of sexual integrity.
Stop CSE Laws
Stop efforts to implement Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in policy or in law.
Support Parental Rights Laws
Push for laws that support parental rights and oppose laws that undermine them. Be aware of your parental rights in education and utilize them. Don’t allow yourself to be stonewalled.
Be Aware of Radical Feminism
Be aware that radical feminism has and continues to be a major driver of the sexual revolution promoting an ideology that places unfetter sexual relations as an essential moral value and societal good.
Stand Against Equal Rights Amendment
Stand against efforts to pass an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) – both at a state or federal level. ERA and tenants of sexual revolution are intertwined.
Talking Points
Sexual Revolution
The worldview of the sexual revolution is built on three ideas. First, sex, marriage, and babies are separable. Second, men and women are interchangeable. And, third, sexual autonomy is human dignity.
(Chuck Colson)
In 1970, about 11 percent of all births were to unmarried parents; by 2013, around 41 percent of all U.S. births were to unmarried parents. The overall rate remains at 41 percent in 2018.
Carmen Solomon-Fears, “Nonmarital Births: An Overview,” Congressional Research Services Report (2014). Available at
When we walked away from chastity, we walked away from our children. The victims of the bad ideas of the sexual revolution have always been children. Go here to see effects of out-of-wedlock births on children.
Sexual Integrity is a deliberate choice not to devalue yourself or others sexually. Each person should have control over their decisions and experiences. A conscious choice to have sexual integrity creates self-esteem throughout a person’s life.
The actions of sexual integrity change throughout a person’s life, but it always empowers and strengthens the individual, their spouse and their relationship, even if they haven’t met yet.
Sexual integrity prevents people from being regarded as objects for sexual gratification instead of individuals of worth.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are approximately 20 million new STD infections each year—almost half of them among young people ages 15 to 24. 3 The cost of STDs to the U.S. health care system is estimated to be as much as $16 billion
Sexual integrity in individuals creates strong families and stable communities. Married, monogamous relationships have been repeatedly shown to improve health, increase socio-economic status and create greater income earning potential, as well as being linked to higher satisfaction and longer life spans.
Looking at women over age 30, over eighty percent of women who had never had a non-marital partner were in stable marriages. Those who engaged with three non-marital partners cut their change of a successful marriage by more than one-half.
CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, National Survey of Family Growth
Sexual Integrity helps clarify relationships and protects against predatory or self-centered partners. To be centered on one person is calming and affirming. To be distracted (as with images or thoughts of many partners) is distracting and unsettling.
Sexual Integrity improves physical health for both partners, and virtually eliminates concerns about sexually transmitted diseases and some forms of cancer.
Sexual Integrity is not only about refraining from having sex with someone other than your spouse—it is also about creating and maintaining a strong, vibrant sexual relationship throughout your marriage. Sexual integrity strengthens personal integrity in other areas of your life, and deepens the bonds of trust in your relationship.
The “law of supply and demand” states that something that is rare and uncommon is more desirable. Sexual integrity creates value for both partners as they are exclusive to one another.
Social Media Resources
Help Spread the Word

Letter to the Editor
Letters to the editor can shape public opinion or start a conversation about an issue that’s important to you. Most letters to the editor are submitted “To the Editor” via a dedicated system found on the newspaper’s website. There is always a word limit, usually less than 300 words.
Start your letter with something that will grab the readers’ attention, but get to your point quickly. Place the most important points in the first paragraph. Use a story, preferably personal, to illustrate your point. Stories combined with some type of statistical data will get people’s attention.
Consider this overall format: 1) A story to tell readers your purpose and passion for writing the letter, 2) Explain why it matters to the reader, 3) Let readers know what they can do about the issue you’ve raised.
Consider having several people write letters on the same topic with slightly different points, and submit them a few days apart. This keeps the issue on the Letters page for a period of time and allows the issue to be addressed in greater depth than one letter allows.
“Write like it matters, and it will.” Libba Bray